Former Pupil urges people of all periods to study education at University of Wales Trinity Saint David

In 2019, Welsh- speaking Jacques Mahe, graduated from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David( TSD) with a Welsh medium degree in Astudiaethau Addysg Cynradd( Education Studies Primary) and he now hopes others will follow in his steps.

He speaks veritably fondly of his time as a pupil.

” I always set up that the lectures were veritably engaging. I always enjoyed the content within the lectures,” said Jacques.” I felt it was veritably accessible and different.”

Part of the decision to study at Trinity Saint David was because of the easy commute from Jacques’ home which gave him control over his literacy.

” It was a big perk for me to have that inflexibility- we had three lectures a week in the mornings. A lot of what you had to do was individual exploration, placements and systems so it was not an test degree, it was a lot of coursework and substantiation. It was good to just go there in the morning, come home at noontime and just be suitable to study without distractions.”

Jacques explained why he chose to study in Welsh” I have always had a passion for the Welsh language, I had all of my education through the medium of Welsh so I wanted to be suitable to educate the same way as I knew it.”

And he is set up that qualifying in Welsh has given him great openings” It’s opened every door so far. Every occasion I have had in my career so far has been because I am a Welsh speaker.”

After graduating Jacques gained inestimable experience as a tutoring adjunct and also returned to the Carmarthen lot in 2020 to gain his schoolteacher training PGCE.

Since also he has continued to develop his career and is now working as a career employability counsel at Bridgend College.

Jacques has noticed that his capability to speak Welsh has given him the edge” What I am seeing now is different agencies and organisations are putting further emphasis on the capability to speak Welsh. They are encouraging people who can not speak the language to do some kind of training.

” For illustration, I work in Bridgend College and a lot of people have on their cords’ dysgwr’ which is Welsh for’ learner’. So you can see on people’s cords that they are learning Welsh. So for someone like myself, it’s an occasion to strike up a discussion and help them exercise Welsh in the plant.”

He spoke about how his confidence grew while at TSD” Over time you could feel you were getting a better guru because you had this knowledge, this sapience, you could start to link effects in your head.”

Jacques has set up that numerous of the chops learnt at university have been transmittable.

” I still use a lot of the chops I learnt as a schoolteacher. I host shops. I speak to 200- 300 scholars at a time in the theater . It’s those classroom operation chops so not having 200 people talk while I am trying to speak.

” It’s also that individual, pastoral aspect. With my part now it can be relatively sensitive. I work with fresh literacy needs scholars so it’s good that I’ve that fresh knowledge in environment of what their requirements are and how we’ve to approach that with their education.

” You can not just put a child with fresh requirements in a classroom without the correct support and intervention.”

Jacques speaks about his profession with a sense of pride. Looking after around 400 scholars on 15 different courses is no mean feat but he takes it in his stride and looks towards the future” I am only 25, I have still got a lot of times ahead of me to develop and come a better guru but I suppose it’s set me up in really good vantage to do a job like this at my age.”

He hopes that others will now follow in his steps and take an education course at Trinity Saint David.

” I explosively recommend it. I suppose education is the most important armament that anyone could have. It can take you down so numerous career paths and into so numerous different fields. It does not limit you to a classroom.”

He passionately added” Education is so important. Wanting to study education is noway going to hold you back, it’s only going to help you flourish.

” It’s not always a case of learning new effects, it can be perfecting chops you formerly have. There is no age limit on bettering yourself.”